We have proof.

Through research studies, education, scholarships and poster presentations, the AANA Foundation has funded studies in reimbursement, scope of practice, improving patient safety, quality care, and refuting inaccuracies and mistruths about the profession. Nearly $3.5 million has been awarded to more than 3,000 anesthesia professionals and students since the Foundation’s inception.

Studies that have been supported in collaboration with the AANA include landmark research confirming that CRNAs provide quality, safe, cost effective anesthesia care. These studies include:

·  Scope of Practice Laws and Anesthesia Complications: Negrusa B, Hogan P, Warner J, Schroeder C, Pang B (2016)

·  No Harm Found When Nurse Anesthetists Work Without Supervision by Physicians: Dulisse B, Cromwell J (2010)

·  Cost Effectiveness Analysis of Anesthesia Providers: Hogan P, Seifert Moore C, Simonson B (2010)

·  Anesthesia Provider Model, Hospital Resources, and Maternal Outcomes: Needleman J, Minnick AF (2009)

·  Anesthesia Staffing and Anesthetic Complications During Cesarean Delivery: Simonson D, Ahern M, Hendry M (2007)

·  Surgical Mortality and Type of Anesthesia Provider:  Pine M, Holt KD, Lou YB (2003)

I support the Foundation because research and student education are the basis for our future. Without funding, much of our current research would not have happened. Being involved professionally is a given for me. I think it is my responsibility to stay active in our Association, and to advocate for all of our members.
— Kent Fair

We all benefit from Research and Education.

All CRNAs benefit from this research. It is created to build a case for the ability of CRNAs to practice to their full scope and without physician supervision. The research is used on Capitol Hill to promote the practice and justify the quality, safety and cost effectiveness of nurse anesthesia.